Marjolaine Bourgeois

SHMF Treasurer, Paul-Émile Légère presents 2020 Marie Hélène Allain Fellowship Award to Majolaine Bourgeois.
Originally from Les Iles de Madeleine, Marjolaine Bourgeois is a multi-disciplinary artist working in Moncton. She is a graduate of the University of Moncton and is deeply involved in the local arts scene. In the words of her nominator Jacques Arseneault, Mme Bourgeois has distinguished herself both in terms of technique and artistic conception. Her approach to contemporary art stems from the traditions of textile art but consists of an experimental component that integrates the printed image into textile techniques.”
The Board of Directors wishes her creative success in her Fellowship project Se Goberger de la rivière Chocolat which is envisioned by the artist as both a critical and poetic journey to uncover the rich historical and geographical dimensions of the Petitcodiac River. Known for the impressive tidal bore that occurs twice daily, the ”Chocolate River’s” fragile ecosystem contains within it the legacy of the First Peoples and the experience of the Acadian settlers. The Marie Hélène Allain Fellowship Award will provide support that will allow the artist to conduct research through archives and primary source materials as well as introduce sound to an already expansive vocabulary that includes textiles, printmaking photography, and ceramics. The artist will follow a personal process of exploration, discovery and creation.