2013 Fred Ross Jury Statement

2013 Fred Ross Scholarship Jury Statement

Serim Ye’s application portfolio illustrates all the qualities one looks for in an aspiring artist. Overall her works on paper, canvas and in clay show an impressive facility with artistic fundamentals. However, it was the visual and narrative qualities of a series of water-colours depicting memories from Ms. Ye’s childhood that were especially impressive. Showing a mature understanding of the relationship between artist and viewer, she effectively uses colour and the human figure to evoke an emotional response to her paintings.

1 Self Portrait.jpg7.Raku Lotus.jpgBarbie's Bathtub.jpg

As her recommending teacher, Will Kealy, wrote, “…she has shown the capacity to adroitly handle different artistic media, to think with and in the materials.” With our recommendation of Ms. Ye for the Fred Ross Scholarship goes our confidence that this perceptive young art student will find fulfillment and success in her university career.