2009 David Umholtz
I hope these images will be regarded as a visual song – a visual poem about maritime landscape. – David Umholtz, 2009
I hope these images will be regarded as a visual song – a visual poem about maritime landscape. – David Umholtz, 2009
Art critic Murray Littlejohn noted that Collins mocks the trend to reduce art to a decorative role in society, robbing it of its cognitive value. His landscapes and portraits prompt the viewer to challenge the importance of money and technology in modern life. – 2001
Le thème de confinement a servi d’objectif thématique tout au long de sa carrière artistique. – Rick Burns, 2000
La passion de Mme Hill pour l’expression artistique est démontrée dans son travail bénévole … – Suzanne Hill, 1999
S’il arrive a comprendre un seul objet par l’attention qu’illui donne, il arrive a comprendre mieux le tout, la totalite. Je dis ceci sans pretention car je suis de ceux qui sont enfermes dans un atelier, toute la journee, dans cet espace, dans le but de comprendre notre environnement par. –
My work is to do with the life I have lead and lead now. The thoughts. Memories and emotions I paint are often painful, sometimes amazingly happy; always some kind of discovery for me. – Kathy Hooper