2013 Fred Ross Scholarship Guidelines

The annual $4,000 Fred Ross Award ($2,000 per year for two years) is intended to acknowledge the remarkable career of Saint John painter Fred Ross, and to recognize his deep interest in helping artists of the future.

07 Hare.jpg

Hare, 2011; Allison Willms


Untitled by/par Zachary Hayward


Self-portrait by/par Emily LeMesurier

Application Guidelines

This award is for students graduating from secondary schools in New Brunswick who intend to pursue post-secondary studies in visual art or craft. The second installment is payable only on successful completion of the first year’s work as measured by the institution the student chooses to attend.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Fred Ross Award the artist must be a final year student in a New Brunswick high school, and be actively pursuing post-secondary education in the visual arts or fine crafts. Applications may be made in English or French.

Submission Deadline

The 2013 Application Deadline for the Fred Ross Award is February 15, 2013.

Completed applications, with all support material, must be postmarked on or before the deadline date. Late or incomplete applications, or those submitted by fax or email, will not be accepted.

Download PDF for further details: 2013 Fred Ross Scholarship Application