Steeves at Buckland Galley

Powerful New Work From an Important New Brunswick Artist

1. The Bone Fields.jpg “ . . . a patina of poetry and truth”
Observations on the art of Dan Steeves – Peter Buckland: April 20, 2013

I have just read Tom Smart’s essay for The Memory of Pain, Dan Steeves’ new series of etchings that opened at The Confederation Centre For The Arts early this year. Steeves’ work is remarkable and so is Smart’s essay.

First, a few words about the writing, and then the art. Tom Smart is one of my favourite writers about art. His writing is both passionate and intelligent. In this essay, before actually addressing Dan Steeves’ work, Smart presents one of the most compelling arguments, that I have read, for the importance of art in our lives. He says that good art allows us to transcend everyday experience, and that it provides a framework of order and coherence in a world that so often presents us with upheaval and disruption … Read More (PDF)