In a gallery overflowing with the artist’s admirers, Allain spoke of the unique experience of being recognized by her home community and thanked many for years of encouragement and support. Allain remarked that the gallery is the result of vision of many volunteers, praising their unstinting work to make this gallery a reality. In congratulating Anne Marie Sirois, the first artist to exhibit in the newly opened facility, Allain expressed her joy that Buctouche has a first rate gallery to showcase the rich talent of New Brunswick artists. The celebration concluded with the unveiling of an Allain sculpture entitled “Résurgence”, a gift from the private collection of comedian Viola Légère to initiate a permanent collection at the gallery.
New gallery in Bouchtouche honours Strathbutler artist Marie Hélène Allain
Strathbutler artist Marie Hélène Allain was honoured at the March 2nd inauguration of a new gallery in Bouchtouche. In recognition of her status as an internationally known sculptor and her long time commitment to the region, the Société de Kent-Sud has named the new exhibition space on Irving Boulevard the Marie Hélène Allain Gallery. Daniel Castonguay, Director of the Kent South cultural centre, praised Allain as a cultural leader who makes an ongoing contribution to the quality of life in Kent county and far beyond.