2014 Advanced Scholarship Jury Statement

Kristen Atkins

Kristen Atkins 2014

Kristen Atkins 2014

In reviewing the applications to the 2014 Sheila Mackay Advanced Study Scholarship applications, the jury was struck by not only the breadth of Kristen Atkins’ experience in varied art gallery and artist-run spaces, but also the scope of her involvement in the cultural community as volunteer, fundraiser and board member.  In addition to her impressive list of accomplishments to date, her letters of reference pointed out the positive impact of her generosity as a leader among her peers as well as the engaged dedication she demonstrates in any project she undertakes.  It would appear Ms. Atkins’s career is on a trajectory destined to have a significant impact in her chosen field of museum studies. The jury was unanimous and enthusiastic in its decision to award Ms. Atkins the 2014 Sheila Mackay Advanced Study Scholarship.