Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation 2020 Career Development Awards

SHMF is committed to supporting the ongoing career development of artists through educational programs.  In 2020, the foundation will award $17,000 in scholarships and bursaries to winners of juried competitions.  The Board of Directors is grateful for the professional adjudication of the following arts professionals: Amy Ash, Jim Boyd, Elizabeth Grant, Christiana Myers, Maggie Rose, Jennifer Stead.

Gemey Kelly - Carleton University

Gemey Kelly – Sheila Mackay Advanced Studies Scholarship Photo: John Murchie

The 2020 Sheila Mackay Advanced Studies Scholarship is awarded to a prominent member of the New Brunswick arts community, Gemey Kelly.  Ms. Kelly is a PhD candidate at Carleton University, preparing a dissertation on the New Brunswick painter, Jack Humphrey.  In the words of nominator, Brian Foss, Director of SSAC at Carleton University, Kelly has “the track record and the academic adventurousness and determination to produce an important dissertation, one that promises to be a milestone in the critical analysis of New Brunswick culture.”  Jurors had high praise for Kelly’s extensive career achievements including leadership at Owens Art Gallery and her extensive history of definitive scholarly publications.  They described Kelly as a strong New Brunswick voice with a national presence.  She is engaged in scholarly research that promises to shine light on Jack Humphrey and address the issue of regionalism as an obstacle faced by artists throughout the history of Canadian art.

The Fred Ross 4- year renewable scholarship has been awarded to Marilyn McDonough, a graduating senior at St. Malachy’s High School.  Jurors were impressed with her passion for creativity, reflected in a wide experimentation with artistic mediums.  Ms. McDonough will enter the Fine Arts Program at Mount Allison University in September 2020.

Marilyn McDonough - Mount Allison University

Marilyn McDonough – Fred Ross Scholarship

Jonah Dysart

Jonah Dysart – Fred Ross Memorial Bursary

Lydia Paterson

Lydia Paterson – Fred Ross Memorial Bursary







To mark the 20th anniversary of the Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation’s Fred Ross Scholarship, the Board of Directors is pleased to announce that two Memorial Fred Ross Bursaries will be given in 2020 in addition to the yearly $8000 renewable scholarship.   Sheila Mackay established the Fred Ross yearly scholarship as a lasting tribute to the beloved New Brunswick painter.  The winners of the $2000 Memorial Fred Ross Bursaries are Jonah Dysart and Lydia Paterson.  Jurors had high praise for the portfolio submissions of these young artists, noting their technical skills and maturity in written expression.