Maya Padrov

Andrea Mortson

Andrea Mortson is a Sackville based painter who has operates within the tradition of landscape and figurative art but pushes the boundaries of both. She has developed a unique visual language that allows her to interweave what she describes as “realms of observation, dream and memory.” Based on the recommendation of a professional, independent jury,[…]

Maya Padrov

Maya Padrov

Maya Padrov, a ceramic artist currently working from her studio in Gagetown, is most worthy of recognition through a Marie Hélène Allain Fellowship Award for her stunning body of work. A master of sculptural form, Padrov is equally an innovator in surface texture and glazing techniques. She explores the tension between the mass produced and[…]

Ann Manuel & Jennifer Belanger

Two New Brunswick artists to be honored The Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation is pleased to name Jennifer Belanger and Ann Manuel as recipients of a 2016 Marie Hélène Allain Fellowship Awards. Established in 2014, this $10,000 award is given to honor New Brunswick mid career artists who have distinguished themselves in the last ten years[…]