1998 Roméo Savoie

I say this for the sole reason that I want to make it clear that making art is a very difficult profession because it deals with what is not obvious, in what is hidden in one’s emotions, it deals with life itself and everyone knows that life is unpredictable, that it reveals its secrets bit by bit, that nothing is clear, ever. – Roméo Savoie, 1998

1997 Freeman Patterson

This awareness now forms the central core of my work. The abstracting of visual elements in order to recognise their particularity has become automatic; but seeing, combining and creating them as integrated “wholes”, will remain a life-long challenge. – Freeman Patterson, 1997

1996 Marie Hélène Allain

I have always been fascinated with found objects, particularly objects that nature, time or human work has eroded and that wear their history etched in the folds of their skin, so to speak. – Marie Hélène Allain, 1996

1991 John Hooper

“As to the content of my sculpture…they reflect something of my feelings about the human condition; people relating to people, people relating to this magnificent and cruel world upon which we strive to live, and our isolation from each other …” – John Hooper