Sarah Petite

Sarah Petite - Chrysalis Sarah Petite - Vertigo

Sarah Petite

Sarah Petite

Fredericton based artist, Sarah Petite was nominated for the 2022 Marie Hélène Allain Fellowship Award by Roslyn Rosenfeld, to honor her accomplishments and  to support new work. .  As part of its mandate to promote the visual arts in New Brunswick, the SHMF biennially offers the Marie Hélène Allain Fellowship Awards as a recognition of the career accomplishments of  New Brunswick mid-career artists, currently engaged in the exploration or the deepening of creative endeavour.

The jury was convinced by the accomplishments and developments evidenced in the proposal of artist, supported as it was by the eloquence of her writing. The artist’s perseverance in discovering new directions through considered engagement with her materials and process, reveal a practice that contributes to and is in discourse with modernist painting traditions. Sarah’s recent explorations in the reconciliation of painting and sculpture reveal objects that embody her creative experience and explorations, and suggest she is in an expansive period in her work.