Courtesy of Freeman Patterson

Freeman Patterson
The Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation Signature Grants are made at the discretion of the Board of Directors to support exceptional needs and opportunities in growth and appreciation of visual art in New Brunswick, SHMF is proud to honor Strathbutler artist, Freeman Patterson by a contribution of $20,000. 00 to Unfolding Pictures Inc to realize a full-length feature documentary on his art and career. Mr. Patterson’s contribution to the visual arts, including his long service to the evolution of the Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation, is a story that needs to be widely shared. The SHMF is pleased to join CBC Broadcasting, the National Film Board, and the New Brunswick Film Program Production Incentive program in providing financial resources to support the creation and dissemination of this documentary. The film will debut on CBC GEM August 11, 2023
Trailer for the film: https://vimeo.com/842198579/1ec564576b