Landry to moderate Curse or Caché

Salon editor, Michael Landry, to moderate panel “Regionalism in Canadian Art: Curse or Caché”

SJ-Map.jpgDuring the Jack Weldon Humphrey Forum, Michael Landry will engage several national experts in a lively debate on the nature of the contemporary Canadian art scene.

Landry will launch the discussion with the provocative statement “After 40 years, the great promise of regionalism to find Canada within our myriad of limited identities has all but failed. Calling someone a regional artist is all but an insult now, suggesting an inability to overcome geographic context. What went so wrong? Is it time to start anew? Or does regionalism still hold the secret of this thing called Canadian art?”

Join him on June 21st at the New Brunswick Museum to explore the possibilities with Léopold L. Foulem, J.J. Kegan McFadden, Amish Morrell and Anne Bertrand