2014 Oudemans Jury Statement

Allison Green Portrait - Photo Credit Biff Mitchell.jpg

Allison M.H. Green

In selecting Allison M.H. Green as the recipient of the 2014 Nel Oudemans Award, the members of the jury celebrate the adventurous creative spirit of this emerging artist. Her diversified portfolio showed great strength in research and conceptual design, as well as a wide experimentation with materials Her artistic vision and dedication to the ongoing development of her craft is outstanding. As noted by her letters of support, Ms. Green is deeply engaged in community and continuing education.

It is a pleasure for the members of this jury to recommend Ms. Green as the 2014 Nel Oudemans award winner and equally pleasing to know that the SHMF will provide this emerging artist with an exposure to international level professional craft at SOFA Chicago in November. We wish her continued success and growth in her career