Charlene Collette

Charline Collette

The Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation is proud to announce Charline Collette the 2021 recipient of the Nel Oudemans award Charline Colette is an impressive emerging artist in the New Brunswick cultural landscape whose work in fiber embraces both traditional and contemporary image making processes. Trained in art and engineering, her approach to textile art is[…]

Mathieu Léger

2021 Mathieu Léger

Since 1991, the Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation has presented the Strathbutler Award to honor New Brunswick artists who have achieved personal excellence in any discipline of visual arts, while having had a distinctive impact on the cultural life of our province. Based on the unanimous recommendation of a professional, independent jury, interdisciplinary artist, Mathieu Léger[…]

SHMF Gratitude to Nominators

Since 1991, the Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation has celebrated high achievement by New Brunswick visual artists through juried award programs. The Board of Directors wishes to thank all nominators for their work in proposing candidates of distinction. Throughout the country, many join the foundation in recognising remarkable talents in our midst. Announcement of the 2021[…]