Herzl Kashetsky book signing

2011 Strathbutler recipient Herzl Kashetsky book signing The Peter Buckland Gallery is pleased to host Herzl Kashetsky and the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in promoting their new book Glitter and Gloom: The Sketchbooks of Herzl Kashetsky. This book offers a rare opportunity to view a Canadian artist through the intimacy of his sketchbooks. The book will[…]

Beaverbrook Art Gallery to Release Publication

Glitter and Gloom: The Sketchbooks of Herzl Kashetsky This eagerly anticipated hardcover publication will be launched at the Strathbutler Gala on Sepember 9, 2011 This major, profusely illustrated, book highlights select works represented in the exhibition Glitter and Gloom: The Sketchbooks of Herzl Kashetsky. Like the exhibition, it features four distinct sections, three of which[…]

2011 Strathbutler Jury Statement

Herzl Kashetsky Named 2011 Strathbutler Recipient It is with pleasure that the members of the jury have selected Herzl Kashetsky as the recipient of the 2011 Strathbutler Award for excellence in the visual arts. With a career spanning over thirty-five years, Kashetsky’s oeuvre has had a profound impact on the cultural fabric of New Brunswick.[…]

Sketching His Life Story

by Marty Klinkenberg Published Saturday July 9th, 2011 in the Telegraph-Journal An artist whose work is in collections across Canada, Kashetsky has spent more than four decades painting pathos and pain, from Holocaust victims to family tragedies and his own many battles with illness.  For more of Sketching his life story