New Smith Video

New video: A Retrospective look at Strathbutler artist Tom Smith Studio Tour S3 E03 In Episode 3 of Season 3, host Matt Brown sits down with Kathryn McCarroll and Peter Larocque to learn about the legacy left behind by artist Tom Smith. Watch on the Studio Tour Facebook Page Watch on Matt Brown’s channel on[…]

NB Craft Heroes

Strathbutler Artists Featured in NBCCD “NB Craft Heroes” November 14th To celebrate important contributors to the New Brunswick craft sector, the New Brunswick Crafts Council (NBCC/CMANB) is hosting a casual celebration, “NB Craft Heroes”, beginning at 6:30pm on Saturday, November 14th at Winner’s Lounge, just outside the Capital Exhibit Centre Fredericton. At this event, the[…]

Tom Smith 1933-2015

Tom Smith dies at 82. SHMF wishes to acknowledge the passing of Strathbutler artist, Tom Smith on May 17, 2015. He received the Strathbutler in 1992 for his mastery of ceramic art and in recognition of his important contributions as an educator and mentor. Our condolences to his family and his close friends.