Kathryn Cronin, NBCCD, awarded merit bursary

Congratulations Kathryn Cronin, the 2017 recipient of the SHMF Merit Bursary in Advanced Studio Practice at the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design. The jury panel praised the jewelry designer for a wide range of creativity in design, refreshing and diversified use of material, all while maintaining a unified aesthetic throughout the work.
Miss Cronin was presented with the $2000 bursary at a recognition event at NBCCD.

The SHMF has established merit bursaries for visual arts students at Mount Allison University, University of Moncton and the New Brunswick College of Craft and Design. Annually, each institution selects a deserving second or third year student in a visual arts program to receive a $2000 bursary in recognition of their accomplishments within the program of studies.

Initially a pilot project in 2013, this bursary program has evolved into an annual opportunity at three important centres of artistic excellence in New Brunswick. Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation salutes the teaching staff and administration of these schools for their ongoing mentorship of students.