2015 Awards Evening

Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation, a private charitable foundation, has been investing in the visual arts of New Brunswick since 1987. The programs of the foundation include awards, grants, scholarships and advocacy initiatives. On November 27th, the Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation is hosting its 2015 Awards evening in celebration of the Visual Arts of New Brunswick.[…]

2015 Strathbutler Award

Application Guidelines The Strathbutler Award is a biennial award of $25,000 which recognizes artists and craftspeople who have achieved excellence in their field while having made a substantial contribution over a significant period of time in the province of New Brunswick. Consideration for the Strathbutler Award will be given to both nominations and applications. All[…]

De cercle en ellipse

DE CERCLE EN ELLIPSE, 2014 SHMF is proud to have served the people of Tracadie-Sheila in creation and the installation of the commemorative work « DE CERCLE EN ELLIPSE » by the artist Denis Lanteigne Denis Lanteigne attends official ribbon cutting ceremony the symbolic sculpture created in commemoration of the creation of the new regional[…]

2014 Allain Fellowship Jury

SHMF is proud to announce the members of the jury for the 2014 Marie Hélène Allain Fellowship. The board of directors wishes to acknowledge with gratitude the contribution of Thaddeus Holownia, Louise Poulin and Tom Smart to this professional jury process. Thaddeus Holownia, Head of Department of Fine Arts at Mount Allison University, is an[…]

Lapointe unveils sculpture at Resurgo Place

Strathbutler artist, André Lapointe unveils his latest piece of public sculpture “Tidal Bore” at Resurgo Place in Moncton. The artwork, a granite sculpture representing the Tidal Bore, was funded through the City of Moncton’s Percent for Public Art Policy. The artist was selected in December 2013 as a result of an open call. André Lapointe[…]