2016 Sheila Grant awarded to Canadian Art Foundation

cropped-cropped-shmf-teal-logo-1.jpgSheila Hugh Mackay Foundation is proud to announce a 2016 Sheila Facilitation Grant to the Canadian Art Foundation for an exciting project dedicated to the advancement of critical writing. Based on the recommendation of an independent jury, the Board of Directors has awarded $ 10,000 in support of a yearlong series dedicated to New Brunswick visual arts in the nationally acclaimed magazine,Canadian Art.

Spotlight on New Brunswick“ will be launched in May 2016, with monthly articles dedicated to exploring the contemporary visual art scene in New Brunswick. Editor-in-chief David Balzerexplains “The aim of the series is to bring attention to New Brunswick visual art—including the province’s artists, curators and galleries—and to forge connections with New Brunswick-based writers and critics, thereby nurturing writing talent and increasing critical discourse of the art produced and shown in the province” Canadian Artwill issue a call for New Brunswick writers in relation to this focused series.

Canadian Art is published by the Canadian Art Foundation, a non-profit charitable organization whose vision is to be the voice for the visual arts in Canada. It offers incisive writing by some of the country’s best art critics and produces magazine and digital editions that reach over 200,000 readers.

Kathryn McCarroll, Executive Director of the Foundation notes that the Board of Directors of the foundation sought professional adjudication of the many proposals in response for the foundation’s 2016 call for projects focused on the advancement of critical discourse about New Brunswick visual arts. “I would like to express appreciation to Suzanne Alexander, Phillip Lee and in the selection of 2016 projects. Their knowledge and experience is deeply appreciated and respected by the members of the Board of Directors, who seek to maximize all investments for the benefit of New Brunswick artists.”

The series is to be kicked off with a report in mid-May on the inaugural visual-arts residency program of New Brunswick music festival Sappyfest, taking place at Sackville’s Thunder & Lightning.

Canadian Art welcomes proposals and story pitches from New Brunswick writers and critics in relation to this new Spotlight on New Brunswick series. Pitches should, ideally, offer more than just artist and show names, and move beyond traditional review approaches. Writers should try to underscore why their pieces will be of interest to our larger readership, particularly to those who are unfamiliar with the artist in question. Critical writing that is captivating and purposeful is the goal.

To submit a pitch or proposal for a monthly online dispatch, email managing editor, online, Leah Sandals at lsandals@canadianart.ca.

The Spotlight on New Brunswick series will also include an article in our Winter 2017 print edition, which is themed on “The Future.” To pitch proposals for this Spotlight on New Brunswick print article, email editor-in-chief David Balzer atdbalzer@canadianart.ca.