Studio 360

Studio 360° Cook, Igloliorte, Mortson, Patterson, Ropson, Torma Special Preview Screening Wednesday 7 November 7:30 pm Owens Art Gallery Please join us on Wednesday 7 November for a first peek at Studio 360°, an online video archive profiling six Sackville artists in their studios. The six artist featured in Studio 360° work in a range of media and[…]

2011 Herzl Kashetsky

His rich and multi-layered works are a deep and honest exploration of the human condition … With a career spanning over thirty-five years, Herzl Kashetsky’s oeuvre has had a profound impact on the cultural fabric of New Brunswick. His rich and multi-layered works are a deep and honest exploration of the human condition. Recognized for[…]

Monica Lacey

The SHMF is pleased to announce the winner of the 2012 Nel Oudemans Award. The Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation is pleased to announce the winner of the 2012 Nel Oudemans Award which is given annually for excellence in fine art and craft. Monica Lacey was selected by an independent jury to receive the $2000 award.[…]