Collins at Gallery 78

Gerard Collins: ‘The Picture Alive’ Gerard Collins celebrates life through his paintings.  Since 1977 his critically acclaimed oeuvre has been built in series with self-imposed rules and patterns offering the viewer pure visual pleasure through his fluid mastery of paint, and inherent understanding of colour, composition and design. Collins has won awards, been showered with[…]

Embracing Creation at Beaverbrook

Patterson unveiled a major retrospective exhibition World-renowned photographer and Strathbutler artist, Freeman Patterson unveiled a major retrospective exhibition entitled “Embracing Creation” on Sunday, Sept 29, 2:00 pm at the Beaverbrook Art Gallery in Fredericton, NB. Freeman signed copies of the new book Embracing Creation, published by Goose Lane Editions and the Beaverbrook art Gallery that[…]

2013 Susan Vida Judah

The exquisite visual poetry of her work embodies decades of sustained mastery … As a textile artist, Susan Vida Judah makes an ancient art form new again. The exquisite visual poetry of her work embodies decades of sustained mastery and a profound technical command of her medium. She explores and expands the expressive power of[…]