18 New Brunswick artists on a creative journey

Five Strathbutler Artists participate in  “Stimulare – the Whispering Game” Like the Pied Piper, Freeman Patterson has lead 18 New Brunswick artists on a creative journey that has resulted in an exhibition to be opened at Saint John Arts Centre on Friday, October 28th.  Strathbutler recipients, Brigitte Clavette, Suzanne Hill,  Kathy Hooper, and Peter Powning[…]

Salon article on Marie Hélène Allain

Our sculpting sister: a chisel in one hand, a cross in the other Published Saturday October 1st, 2011 in the Telegraph-Journal’s Salon Teacher, nun and internationally exhibited contemporary sculptor, Sainte-Marie-de-Kent’s Marie Hélène Allain has carved a career for herself like few others and is now being lauded by the Beaverbrook Art Gallery as one of[…]

Sketching His Life Story

by Marty Klinkenberg Published Saturday July 9th, 2011 in the Telegraph-Journal An artist whose work is in collections across Canada, Kashetsky has spent more than four decades painting pathos and pain, from Holocaust victims to family tragedies and his own many battles with illness.  For more of Sketching his life story