2019 Fred Ross Scholarship Application Guidelines

The Fred Ross Scholarship, valued at $8000, is available to a graduating New Brunswick student entering post secondary studies in visual art or fine craft at a recognized institution. This is a 4 year renewable scholarship. An initial payment of $2000 will be awarded on entrance to a recognized institution. It will be renewed annually[…]

New CBC documentary on Strathbutler Artist Brigitte Clavette

New Brunswick artist Brigitte Clavette wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth. She grew up in a family of humble means in Edmundston, New Brunswick, under the shadow of a church. As a silversmith, the irony is not lost on her that she has now spe​nt the last three or four decades working with a material that[…]

2019 Strathbutler Award Application Guidelines

The Strathbutler Award is a biennial award of $25,000 which recognizes artists and craftspeople who have achieved excellence in their field while having made a substantial contribution over a significant period of time in the province of New Brunswick. 2019 Strathbutler Award Application Guidelines Consideration for the Strathbutler Award will be given to both nominations[…]

Strathbutler artist, Chiasson solo exhibition at Beaverbrook Art Gallery

Saturday, October 13, 2018 at 4:00 pm Beaverbrook Art Gallery 703 Queen Street, Fredericton, NB James C. Irving, Chair of the Board of Governors of the Beaverbrook Art Gallery, and Thomas Smart, Director/CEO, cordially invite you to attend the opening reception for the exhibitions. Herménégilde Chiasson — For 50 Years Organized by the Beaverbrook Art[…]