Ross Scholarship Increased

Fred Ross Scholarship Now Valued at $8000. Kathryn McCarroll announces the increase in value of the Fred Ross Scholarship during a tribute to the restoration of a lost 1948 mural. The 2012 scholarship winner, Alison Willms, was honoured by the foundation for her continuing excellence in her studies at Mount Allison University at the Saint[…]

Greg Klassen

2010 Klassen Receives Advanced Studies Scholarship The Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation is pleased to announce that Greg Klassen of Pollet River has been selected to receive the $ 5000 Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation Scholarship. Mr. Klassen will enter a Master of Applied Arts Program at the Emily Carr Institute in Vancouver, British Columbia. Mr. Klassen[…]

Special Project Funding 2014

The Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation Special Project Funding 2014. Each year, the Sheila Hugh Mackay Foundation provides one grant cycle to assist in the promotion and development of visual arts within the province of New Brunswick. Phase 1: Concept Letters The Board of Directors invites concept letters outlining a proposal for funding between $2000 and[…]